You might be putting pressure on yourself to charge right into 2019 and start tackling all your goals and resolutions. But I want to remind you to slow down. Take some deep breaths. Be intentional about what you’re tackling. And choose one or two goals to work on at a time.

Trust me, I’m an overachieving, Type A personality who always has a long to-do list, so I know what it’s like to want to get everything accomplished right now. But it’s important to remember: Our bodies need rest. Our minds need quiet. And our souls need peace.

These things – rest, quiet and peace – often come when we take care of ourselves. When we tune into our inner voice. And when we honor what we truly need in mind, body and soul.

So remember, you have an entire year to get it all done. Show yourself some loving-kindness. Take on only that which you can realistically manage without burning yourself out. And remind yourself that you’re doing great.

Need some extra guidance and support? Here are my top 3 tips for avoiding burnout:

  1. Listen to your body and rest when you need it. Pushing yourself to the point of mental, physical or emotional exhaustion will not accomplish anything. Instead, find 15 minutes in between tasks and chores to lie down, read a book, or quiet your mind through meditation.
  2. Set aside time for daily self-care. Even if all you can manage is 15-20 minutes a day, a hot bath, stretching, or getting fresh air can do wonders to invigorate and reenergize you.
  3. Accept that you are human. I know it can be hard to admit, but you are not Superwoman. Which means you don’t have the power or ability to do it all. Recognize when you need help and ask for it. Whether it’s from a friend, a neighbor, a relative, or your partner, allow other people to use their gifts, talents and time to make your life easier.

Wishing you peace and love,
