About Me

Changing Your Inner World is Key to Creating the Life You Want

Does your inner dialogue sound something like this?

“I don’t have time.”

“It’s too hard.”

“I don’t have the energy.”

“My kids are more important.”

“My spouse or significant other needs my help.”

If so, I’ve so been there.

I used to say those same things to myself. I used to believe I didn’t have time for myself. That I wasn’t worthy of what I wanted. But…

I changed my inner dialogue.

And do you know what I came to realize?

The things I was saying to myself were all excuses.

And here’s why: I did not love, honor, value, or cherish myself.

I didn’t think I was worthy of an amazing life. A life I truly loved. A life where I really valued myself, my energy, and my time. A life where I put myself first. 

But in my mind, I was telling myself a different story.

I thought drinking too much wine, eating dessert every night, staying up until midnight, spending more money than I had on things I didn’t need, and working in a career that was soul-sucking because I took home a good paycheck was taking care of myself.

In reality, all these things were just a way for me to numb myself. To a life I did not love. And a life that did not resonate with me in a deep and meaningful way.

Growing up, I wasn’t taught that as a woman it was important – and even OK – to put myself first.

But I eventually learned the hard way that, as women, we have to put our needs first. And do you know why?

Let me give you a hint: It’s not because other people depend on us.

It’s because we deserve it.

Do you believe you deserve it? I do!!

And I want to help you believe you deserve it too.

Because that inner dialogue in your head? It’s just messing with you.

Here's What I Believe

You can make the time. But for whatever reason, you’re choosing not to.

Whatever it is you think is too hard, it’s not. You just haven’t made the commitment to yourself…yet.

You may not have the energy now, but there are ways to get it back.

Your kids are important, but they also need an example of a strong, confident, female role model in their lives.

Your spouse or significant other is an adult who can take care of themselves…especially while you spend a little extra time taking care of you.


Believe me, I was once in your shoes. Which is why I completely understand how you feel.

I too put other people’s needs before my own. And I sacrificed my own happiness and self-worth. It didn’t just drain me. It made me sick.

I mean, really sick. In fact, it took me becoming bedridden to finally realize that the way I was living my life was hurting me. And if I didn’t change things fast, my future did not look good.

I was dealing with health issues and illnesses I had never even heard of. Conditions doctors said were rare. Or that there was no cure for.

In just a few years, I was diagnosed with over 15 conditions, including a systemic autoimmune disease called Sjogren’s Syndrome, systemic candida, adrenal fatigue, anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), IBS, gastroparesis, burning mouth syndrome, infertility, multiple environmental allergies, histamine intolerance, chronic hives, multiple food sensitivities, leaky gut, gut dysbiosis, methylation issues, hypothyroidism and more.

But I refused to give up or believe there was nothing more for me. And that this was quite possibly what my life was going to look like…forever.

I had faith. I had hope. I was resilient. And I made the decision that I would not quit until I found a way to not just heal. But to thrive.

I was determined to reclaim greater health in mind, body and spirit than I had ever previously experienced in my life.

Slowly, from my bed, I spent hours upon hours every day researching everything and anything I could find about the conditions I had been diagnosed with and how I could heal from them as naturally and safely as possible.

As I began implementing changes in my way of thinking, my nutrition, my self-care, and my overall perspective of my life, I began feeling shifts from deep within.

I knew I was onto something. That it really was possible to heal from the inside out.

And I wanted to share that hope with other women.

Because I have experienced what it’s like to be exhausted, depleted, sick, worn out, frustrated and scared, I know how lonely and overwhelming it feels to be at the mercy of health issues (and medical experts) that there seem to be no answers for.

Looking back, I wish I’d had a health and wellness coach to guide, support, uplift and encourage me along my healing journey. Someone who was compassionate, empathetic and non-judgmental. Someone who really listened to me and made me feel heard. Even someone who had experienced a similar journey as me.

This is what led me to search for a program that aligned with my passion and what I believe is my life purpose:

To help women honor their own needs through self-love and self-care.

To help them feel empowered. To discover their own self-worth. And to support them in living a truly authentic life.

All the things that were foundational to my own healing.

That’s when I discovered Maryland University of Integrative Health, where I received my Master of Arts in Health and Wellness Coaching.

I’ve worked with hundreds of women around the world and have seen the transformative power of health and wellness coaching firsthand.

I want to help you live a healthy, happy, fulfilling and rewarding life without ever having to get sick and hit rock bottom.

And even if you’re already there, I want to help you get out.

I am here to lend you a hand. To be your champion. Your friend. An accountability partner. And your guide.

So, I hope you’ll allow me the honor of supporting you as you begin your journey to greater health and wellness.

Remember, you deserve to live the life of your dreams. But you don’t have to get there alone.

I'm Here to Support You

Now that you know me better and I feel like we’ve gotten to be friends, I want to share how I can support you on your journey to living your best life yet.

Because that’s what friends do, right?!

They help each other out. They lift each other up. They encourage one another. And they have each other’s backs.

So, let me be here for you. To help you carry the load you’ve been struggling with for so long. The to-do list that feels endless. The self-care you’re sacrificing. The dreams you’ve put on hold.

Because girlfriend, you’ve been carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders for way too long. And you deserve a break.

What are you waiting for?!?

Head to my Work with Me page or click here to be sent there directly. I have several exciting programs designed especially for you and I know they’re going to rock your world.

I’m so excited to support you on your journey and get to know you better!!


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